Friday, August 27, 2010



took a walk and filled our pockets with acorns
went to a clam chowder and peach shortcake festival
went on a boat ride
went in the pool and thought it was too cold
threw whales and sharks and noodles into the pool instead
that was just the first day
went to the beach
fell asleep on the sofa
met a (fairly) new cousin
saw whales, sharks, penguins, fish, Nemo, turtles and rays at the aquarium
touched starfish and crabs
ate corn on the cob
and mussels
went looking for hermit crabs that tickled our hands, then wanted "Up, Mommy" when we realized they were scooting about all around our toes
collected shells in our bucket
collected leaves that flew away
saw where Mommy and Daddy danced
chased seagulls
swam in the ocean
played with cousins
made sand castles, then knocked them down
loved Angie's eggplant parmesan
slept in a big boy bed, then snuck into Mommy and Daddy's bed early in the morning
ate ice cream
charmed Nonnie and Nonno and everyone else
found baby pinecones and put them in our pockets
weren't ready to come home


Mom/Nonnie said...

I'd say that about sums it up. I'll have to alert Angie to read it.

Mom/Nonnie said...

Don't forget the 7 choo-choo trains!