Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 25: Channelling his inner narwhal...and Abi

He's stopped raspberrying and started making whale-like noises now. From the minute he wakes up, it's aaaaaaah.....aaaaah..aaaaaaaaah.........aaaaahhhaaa... He gets pretty shrill at times and also seems to be paying attention to how it sounds in the space he's in (it echoes in our new room). I'm a little afraid that when we're at the beach next week he's going to attract all the local whales and there will be a rash of beachings in Waterford and Truro.

He starts out the night in his crib and after a few hours wakes up for a midnight (1 am, 2 am? Who pays attention at that hour?) snack. At that point, Rob brings him into bed with us so I can feed him and sleep at the same time. For most of the night, he's cradled in my arm, but usually at some point I feel the need to readjust my position (or I can no longer feel my arm) and I put him in between Rob and I. This had worked well until about a week ago, when his ability (and inclination) to move increased remarkably. And I woke up to some feet in my face. Cute little feet, but they were, nonetheless, in my face. He was perpendicular to us and was perilously close to kicking me in the nose. We both immediately thought of Abi, who on cold winter nights would start out curled up in a small ball at my stomach and then, like those little sponges when water is added, would slowly expand during the night taking up more and more space, often at right angles to us.

He's now a big fan of apples.

All of a sudden he can pretty much sit on his own. He can adjust his balance if he reaches forward or to the side, but he still topples backwards pretty easily. He's also figured out how to go from sitting to his tummy so that he can start wriggling to whatever he has his mind set on at that moment.

Not many pictures this week, though I'm sure we'll more than make up for that while on vacation the next 2 weeks. If we remember to pull out the cameras. Just a few minutes before the one above was taken, he had his left foot on top of the high chair tray, but I wasn't quite quick enough with the camera. He had also just started pushing the block off the tray on purpose, watching it fall about half of the times that he did it. Look out, Cause and Effect, here he comes!

So he's on the floor, surrounded by toys within arm's reach and a laundry basket a little further away. Guess what he sets his sights on?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Week 24

Lots happened this week.

He met his first dog, a very gentle standard poodle named Henry. Zack was enthralled. Looks like we'll have to get another pooch.

(Imagine a picture here. As usual, Rob or I were totally unprepared for a photo op outside the house. I'm going to have to start carrying the camera with me at all times.)

He started rolling. One evening, I put him down on the kitchen floor while I was doing a few things. When I looked back, he was about 2 feet from where I'd put him. He's also started rolling over on his belly at night in his crib.

We had a nice jaunt on Saturday where he "helped" me pick out another pair of glasses (I wanted a 2nd pair because a certain someone is very interested in my current pair and I could just see where that was headed sooner or later. Probably sooner.), we ran a few errands and had a nice lunch. Sunday we went over to friends' house for dinner, where I barely got to see him. He was his charming self, as usual.

We went for walks.
We fell asleep on walks.
We read the newspaper with Dad.
"Hmmm.....what's this black and white stuff? It's kind of fun to pull!"
We chilled out before having dinner (We walked in to find him leaning over like this. And he wasn't stuck because he pulled himself up a minute later).
We played while waiting for Dad to make dinner.
We decided that avocado wasn't our favorite.
But other stuff?
Other stuff is a different story. Carrots are yummy.
And so are potatoes.
Hopefully they're good for the complexion, too.
Want some?