Sunday, December 02, 2012


Zack seems to be maturing in his relationship with Georgia. There is less obvious "sibling" rivalry and more involved interaction. When Zack wakes up in the morning, he has to spend some time snuggling with and petting Georgia, saying such sweet things to her, including "I love you, Dorjia!". He plays with her more, rather than doing things to her (though this does still happen). And he's generally more concerned about her well being--feeding her, giving her treats, petting her so sweetly. To her credit, she's responded by letting him pet and snuggle with her, by listening to him more, and by generally being less wary of him. And, of course, by giving him hugs. Which TOTALLY make Zack's day.

1 comment:

mom/nonnie said...

Now that's real progress!