Thursday, September 25, 2008

31 weeks

Last weekend we went to the zoo.

We saw lions...
...and tigers...
...and prairie dogs...
Oh my!
We kind of misjudged how interested Zack might be in watching the animals (not very), but he was totally enthralled with watching all the people, so all was not lost.

Afterward,we went on an emergency clothes shopping mission. Because all those pants that were long on Zack back in the spring? Yeah, well those now work for shorts.

As an aside, our neighbors just had a baby boy, whom we just met at 2 weeks old. I was convinced that Zack was never that small...only to find out that Sidney was almost the exact same size as Zack at birth. How is it possible to forget so quickly?

Oh, right. Sleep deprivation.

Back to our story.

With that mission accomplished, we went to eat Thai food.
Well, Rob and I had Thai food while Zack watched. He'll soon be getting to the point where he'll be able to partake in whatever we eat--he certainly wants to badly enough!

"Hey, Mom? Mom????? Where's my food?"


Anonymous said...

You must be in the center of Silver Spring, right? Zack's preference to people over wild animals makes lots of sense to me.

Anonymous said...

They did not have prairie dogs in The Wizard of Oz, I'm pretty sure. It was bears. Dorothy would not have said oh-my over a prairie dog. What's next, the tin man asking for a can of synthetic oil? The scarecrow asking for a medulla oblongata instead of a brain? You can not paraphrase the WOO. Pa-LEEZ.

But Zack looks cute, so all is not lost.

oh yeah - and the Red Sox are going to the postseason. WOOHOO!

Tracey said...

Where was Toto in all this? Well I would prefer to have Courage!! Especially now with Tyler's decision. Watch out Anita/Dave, and Rob/Erica, one may never know what ones' child is thinking. Tim and I now have first hand experience! I know we'll all support him well.

Rob/Erica take in every moment with Zack. They do grow up too fast. Once again, love the pictures especially Taryn and Terysa appreciate watching him grow.

abi's mom said...

We're in Rockville, Anne.

And Anita, I had no idea the WOO was so sacred to you! I'll watch my mouth (fingers?) more closely in the future.

Anonymous said...

You have to realize, Erica, that Anita played the Cowardly Lion in an elementary school production!

Anonymous said...

That's true! I remember making the costume... in fact, I remember making a small sachel out of that orange knit fabric to hold 3 silver dollars that someone had given me (can't remember who - maybe Aunt Mary?). And just now I checked in my junk drawer of my dresser - and it is in there! I can't believe I have kept it all these years. So I still have that orange fabric from that costume, 37 years later...